ecause the search forthe True Happiness is always an obsession of humain being since the beginning of Time, It is extremely useful for us looking for some more clarified answered...
As a computer scientist, we do not need to know everything about the working of electronic circuits, or electronic boards, to design a web-page ! Here we also do not care about something near the physical level (e.q. neurobiological events) as many do. We are finding our way in the language of abstraction and logical relations between the happenings .
In this chapter, we are going to define an abstract model of our (humain) being as a base for further possible investigation of our body-and-mind and thereby more and more understand our life.

o far so good ! The identification of mental states as processes and the recognition of What-I-Am five years ago was for me like thunder in the night ! This recognition lets us enter another way of abstraction in studying our (humain) being : "We" are activated and controlled by processes. Some of them are predefined, many others we create along our life. The way we sit, the way we lay down, the way we talk, for example, are also processes.
In one step, we could change our way of life !
Even our breathing, for example, is a process. When we are too busy with the thinking mind, our rite of breathing would be out of order...
Furthermore, memorial happenings in our life are also keep in our mind as processes, ie, not isolated events but whole context of the happenings are always in our mind.
Another way of speaking, our life is defined by processes !

s a result of that, what we usually call "Me" is also broken into pieces: It is also a collection of processes!
Therefore the abstraction of processes could be considered as the microscope to look inside our being, to find its molecules, atoms, and somedays perhaps the empty spaces between elementary particles ...

ne step further on way of abstraction in the language of processes, we could then identify at least three different layers of what constitute our being. These layers are merely three different abstractions of the same being, that are related very closely to each other .

ere the processes make us obviously different from each other and defined everything that is identified in the context of the Self: love, hate, sorrow, ambition, desire, sex, like and dislike, smoking, drinking beer, eating hot chili, sitting with crossed legs, sleeping in the fotus position, dirty talking, sex slaving ...
Some processes are active in dayly life: walking, eating, looking, speaking ... while many other are working continuously in the background: smoking, drinking, sex-thinking, sorrow, ... In fact, they are external processes, the interfaces of What-I-Am and the outside world.
It deserves to further investigate the relation between these processes, the classification of them, and how much they are material-dependend. It also deserve to investigate some effective methods to terminate many of them from our mind: drinking, smoking, dirty talking ...

he Self and thinking Mind cease to exist. Mind does still exist, but it is no longer busy with something else other than the Reality. Here is the space of Peace and Passion: What-I-Am manifests in every step of our life!

his is the domain of unreal world and internal processes. Mind could be multiple copied just like processes in Computer Science.Thought is also identified as its own process: It is a continuous stream of sentences, waiting for some actions, nearly the same as the Instruction Cycle in Computer Science.
Many sentences are simply nonsense. Others would be from your Buddha nature, and yet many others would come from unknown sources.
Here is the domain of myths and beliefs, because we could never identify and verify the working of each process in this space by plug-and-play machines. Another way of speaking, until today we could not show the existence of processes in the Inner Space by a scientific way: Hel is not too far from Heaven ...
Many processes would become alive. Some of them could be sleeping processes from many years ago, many others are unknown, perhaps from the Empty Space, or results of some neurobiological events (?), or perhaps some unknown mechanisms are set themselves in motions to create or copy processes ...
The manifestation of processes depends mostly on What-You-Are, and what you are keeping in Mind, and in the language of Buddhism, your Karma is the decided factor. Many of our behaviour or actions could be the results of some unknown processes here. The killing, for example, could be alive vividly with three dimentional colorful images and stereo sound in your brain ...
It is unknown (to me) whether there is verified method to investigate this space.

s we stated before, these three layers are merely three different abstractions of the same being .
For example, an unknown process from the Inner Space could become so strong to take over our body-and-mind and manifests in our real life, the result is the well-known Multiple Personality Syndrome.
Others could be very real in our mind, but could never take over our physical body: 20000 people in the Netherlands could hear voices within their heads frequently...
And yet many others could only be identified in the Inner Space, i.e their existences are always unknown to the outside world ...

ne striking difference between the Interface and the Inner Space is that, the Interface layer defines our daily life in outside world, while the Inner Space here is a closed world: When you are too busy in there, the Interfaces into your real life could be totally shut down and perhaps you could never be back in the Reality again ...
Clearly, to be truly happy we do not need to know anything about this space.

Narada Thera stated in The Buddha and his teachings that not only humain beings but also many invisible (formless)beings from another space were the Buddha's students...
Until today, there is no scientific way to show the existence of such beings, but at the same time, there is also no reasons why such beings could never exist !

In term of the True Happiness, perhaps some animals enjoy their lifes more than we could. The Pigeons for example, I saw frequently a pair of Pigeons on the balcony of my apartement, especially in the Winter. They could walk step by step, or sit hours side by side closely showing their loves and effections to each other.
Every early morning, I always hear the sing-songs of some other birds outside the window.
Clearly , Awareness is not something only for humain beings. The pigeons stated above, for example, always show their love and passion in Full Awareness !
They do not smoke, use Cocain, eating hot chili...
And many of them are also partner-for-life!...

On the contrary, Dogs and Monkeys think to much !. In the morning many of them are still lazy and do not want any action: they must have many noisy dreams in their sleeps...
On the other hand, their pups are like our children, always want actions immediately when they get up!.

The personalisation of God or the belief in God, is one of our ultimate guidances to the Reality: We do not want to be sinking in the Self, and we also do not care what is happening in the Inner Space.
Liberation and the true Happiness are clearly to be found in the Reality !

March 5, 2001, Durius Nguyen

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